Tuesday, January 19, 2010

OMG I'm really a crazy sohai person.

So... straight to the point :D
I was planning to throw away my old computer dictionary's battery charger.
But juz a second before I throw, I feei CURIOUS about this thing........
Btw its part of the charger, but what shown below is not the original part, juz sumthing looks like that...............................

Coz I didnt know it was so hard... so didnt take pict of the complete one.

So I plan to OPEN it.
Coz I was so damn bloody curious about what's inside this damn thing.
Starting I tot it was easy, so I tot all I need is juz a pair of scisors.
I started to cut.... but it was like no effect at all...
But it still cant remove the "curious rate" in my heart..

SO...... I get some "powerful weapons"..
It was more effective ( duh... ), but still quite hard to do it.
After a BIG BIG process......... I did it!!!


Starting time : 11 : 48 : 31 pm
Success time : 12 : 33 : 06 am.
Time taken : 44 minutes & 35 seconds.

So this is how it looks like when I succeed to make it.

What the fuck. The result is abit disappointing.
Well at least I finally make it...